I want to solve a two dimensional unsteady Navier-Stokes equation about circular cylinder flow. Belowing is my code:
#include "getfem/getfem_model_solvers.h"
#include "getfem/getfem_export.h"
#include "getfem/getfem_mesher.h"
#include "getfem/getfem_generic_assembly.h"
#include "getfem/getfem_import.h"
#include "getfem/getfem_derivatives.h"
#include "getfem/getfem_assembling.h"
#include "gmm/gmm.h"
#include "gmm/gmm_MUMPS_interface.h"
#include "mumps_seq/mpi.h"
#include <filesystem>
#include <complex.h>
#include <chrono>
using std::endl; using std::cout; using std::cerr;
using std::ends; using std::cin; using std::string;
using bgeot::size_type;
using bgeot::base_node;
using bgeot::base_small_vector;
using bgeot::scalar_type; /* = double */
typedef getfem::modeling_standard_sparse_matrix sparse_matrix;
typedef gmm::rsvector<scalar_type> sparse_vector_type;
typedef gmm::row_matrix<sparse_vector_type> sparse_matrix_type;
typedef std::vector<scalar_type> plain_vector;
typedef std::complex<double> complex;
typedef getfem::modeling_standard_complex_plain_vector complex_plain_vector;
typedef gmm::dense_matrix<std::complex<double>> complex_dense_matrix;
typedef getfem::modeling_standard_complex_sparse_matrix complex_sparse_matrix;
typedef gmm::mumps_interf<double>::MUMPS_STRUC_C MUMPS_STRUC;
/* Global parameters----------------------------------------- */
double Re = 50.; /* Reynolds number */
double nu = 1./Re; /* viscosity */
double dt = 0.05; /* time interval */
int nt = 1640; /* number of time iteration steps */
int ntSave = 20; /* saving result */
double residual = 1e-8;
/* Main program---------------------------------------------- */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
/* Initialise------------------------------- */
getfem::mesh msh;
getfem::import_mesh("./mesh/cylFlow.msh2", "gmsh", msh);
int N = msh.dim();
GMM_ASSERT1(N==2, "mesh dim != 2.");
int MESH_INLET = 101;
int MESH_OUTLET = 102;
int MESH_TOP = 103;
int MESH_BOTTOM = 104;
int MESH_CYL_WALL = 105;
getfem::mesh_fem mf_p(msh);
getfem::mesh_fem mf_u(msh);
getfem::mesh_fem mf_v(msh);
getfem::mesh_im mim(msh);
getfem::pintegration_method ppi = getfem::int_method_descriptor("IM_TRIANGLE(3)");
mim.set_integration_method(msh.convex_index(), ppi);
getfem::pfem pf_p = getfem::fem_descriptor("FEM_PK(2,1)");
getfem::pfem pf_u = getfem::fem_descriptor("FEM_PK(2,2)");
getfem::pfem pf_v = getfem::fem_descriptor("FEM_PK(2,2)");
mf_p.set_finite_element(msh.convex_index(), pf_p);
mf_u.set_finite_element(msh.convex_index(), pf_u);
mf_v.set_finite_element(msh.convex_index(), pf_v);
string outPath = "./out/";
if (!std::filesystem::exists(outPath)){
cout << "Create output path: "+outPath << endl;
std::ofstream of1(outPath+"info.txt");
cout << "\ngetfem mesh regions: " << msh.regions_index() << endl;
of1 << "\ngetfem mesh regions: " << msh.regions_index() << endl;
/* Build model---------------------------- */
getfem::model model;
model.add_fem_variable("p", mf_p);
model.add_fem_variable("u", mf_u, 2); /* niter=2 */
model.add_fem_variable("v", mf_v, 2); /* niter=2 */
dal::bit_vector transientBricks;
int nbdof_p = mf_p.nb_dof();
int nbdof_u = mf_u.nb_dof();
int nbdof_v = mf_v.nb_dof();
int nbdof_total = nbdof_p + nbdof_u + nbdof_v;
gmm::sub_interval I_p = model.interval_of_variable("p");
gmm::sub_interval I_u = model.interval_of_variable("u");
gmm::sub_interval I_v = model.interval_of_variable("v");
cout << "\nnbdof: \n"
<< "nbdof_p: " << nbdof_p << endl
<< "nbdof_u: " << nbdof_u << endl
<< "nbdof_v: " << nbdof_v << endl
<< "\nsub interval: \n"
<< "I_p: " << I_p << endl
<< "I_u: " << I_u << endl
<< "I_v: " << I_v << endl;
of1 << "\nnbdof: \n"
<< "nbdof_p: " << nbdof_p << endl
<< "nbdof_u: " << nbdof_u << endl
<< "nbdof_v: " << nbdof_v << endl
<< "\nsub interval: \n"
<< "I_p: " << I_p << endl
<< "I_u: " << I_u << endl
<< "I_v: " << I_v << endl;
/* Nonlinear term: (u.nabla)u */
int ibNonlinear = getfem::add_nonlinear_term(model, mim, "Test_u*[u,v].Grad_u + Test_v*[u,v].Grad_v");
/* Laplacian term: -1/Re Delta u */
model.add_initialized_scalar_data("nu", nu);
int ibLaplacian = getfem::add_linear_term(model, mim, "nu*(Grad_u.Grad_Test_u + Grad_v.Grad_Test_v)");
/* Pressure term: nabla p */
int ibPressure = getfem::add_source_term(model, mim, "p*(Grad_Test_u(1)+Grad_Test_v(2))");
/* Continuity condition */
int ibContinuity = getfem::add_linear_term(model, mim, "Test_p*(Grad_u(1)+Grad_v(2))");
/* Boundary conditions----------------------- */
/* Inlet: u=1, v=0 */
model.add_initialized_scalar_data("Uin", 1.);
getfem::add_Dirichlet_condition_with_simplification(model, "u", MESH_INLET, "Uin");
getfem::add_Dirichlet_condition_with_simplification(model, "v", MESH_INLET);
/* Outlet: p=0 */
getfem::add_Dirichlet_condition_with_simplification(model, "p", MESH_OUTLET);
/* Top and Bottom: v=0 */
getfem::add_Dirichlet_condition_with_simplification(model, "v", MESH_TOP);
getfem::add_Dirichlet_condition_with_simplification(model, "v", MESH_BOTTOM);
/* Cylinder wall: u=0, v=0 */
getfem::add_Dirichlet_condition_with_simplification(model, "u", MESH_CYL_WALL);
getfem::add_Dirichlet_condition_with_simplification(model, "v", MESH_CYL_WALL);
/* Transient part-------------------------------- */
model.add_initialized_scalar_data("dt", dt);
model.add_initialized_scalar_data("alpha", 0.5);
getfem::add_basic_d_on_dt_brick(model, mim, "u", "dt", "alpha");
getfem::add_basic_d_on_dt_brick(model, mim, "v", "dt", "alpha");
getfem::add_midpoint_dispatcher(model, transientBricks);
/* Output info */
of1 << "=========================================================\n";
of1 << "=========================================================\n";
/* Solve----------------------------------------------- */
gmm::mumps_interf<double>::MUMPS_STRUC_C id;
id.job = -1; /* MUMPS initialize */
id.par = 1;
id.sym = 0; /* symmetric matrix=false */
/* set MUMPS parameters, see https://petsc.org/release/manualpages/Mat/MATSOLVERMUMPS/ */
id.icntl[0] = -1;
id.icntl[1] = -1;
id.icntl[2] = -1;
id.icntl[3] = 0;
id.icntl[13] = 200; /* increase ICNTL(14) */
id.job = 6; /* Request all phases: analysis + factorization + solve */
gmm::iteration iter(residual, 0, 5e4);
/* Initial conditions */
plain_vector U0, V0;
gmm::resize(U0, mf_u.nb_dof());
gmm::resize(V0, mf_v.nb_dof());
gmm::fill(U0, 1.);
gmm::copy(U0, model.set_real_variable("u", 1));
gmm::copy(V0, model.set_real_variable("v", 1));
/* Time iteration */
double sol_t = 0.;
plain_vector X(nbdof_total); /* solution of each time step */
plain_vector rhs(nbdof_total);
sparse_matrix TGM(nbdof_total, nbdof_total);
for (int i=0; i<nt; ++i){
sol_t += dt;
cout << "t = " << sol_t << endl;
getfem::standard_solve(model, iter);
// gmm::copy(model.real_tangent_matrix(), TGM);
// gmm::copy(model.real_rhs(), rhs);
// gmm::MUMPS_solve(TGM, X, rhs);
// gmm::copy(gmm::sub_vector(X, I_p), model.set_real_variable("p"));
// gmm::copy(gmm::sub_vector(X, I_u), model.set_real_variable("u"));
// gmm::copy(gmm::sub_vector(X, I_v), model.set_real_variable("v"));
/* Export */
if (i%ntSave==0){
char s[100];
sprintf(s, "step%05d", i);
getfem::vtk_export plot(outPath+string(s)+".vtk", true);
plot.write_point_data(mf_p, model.real_variable("p"), "p");
plot.write_point_data(mf_u, model.real_variable("u"), "u");
plot.write_point_data(mf_v, model.real_variable("v"), "v");
cout << "\nExporting done." << endl;
cout << "L2 norm of u: " << getfem::asm_L2_norm(mim, mf_u, model.real_variable("u")) << endl
<< "Linfty norm of u: " << gmm::vect_norm1(model.real_variable("u")) << endl
<< "L2 norm of v: " << getfem::asm_L2_norm(mim, mf_v, model.real_variable("v")) << endl
<< "Linfty norm of v: " << gmm::vect_norm1(model.real_variable("v")) << endl
<< "L2 norm of p: " << getfem::asm_L2_norm(mim, mf_p, model.real_variable("p")) << endl
<< "Linfty norm of p: " << gmm::vect_norm1(model.real_variable("p")) << endl;
return 0;
After compiling the code, I ran the program, but got an error message:
| A GMM error has been detected !!! |
Error in ./gmm/gmm_MUMPS_interface.h, line 153 :
Solve with MUMPS failed: error -9, increase ICNTL(14)
The debug call stack generated by lldb is:
__cxa_throw (@__cxa_throw:3)
___lldb_unnamed_symbol4801 (@___lldb_unnamed_symbol4801:79)
___lldb_unnamed_symbol11886 (@___lldb_unnamed_symbol11886:235)
___lldb_unnamed_symbol8322 (@___lldb_unnamed_symbol8322:14)
getfem::standard_solve(getfem::model&, gmm::iteration&, std::shared_ptr<getfem::abstract_linear_solver<gmm::col_matrix<gmm::rsvector<double>>, std::vector<double, std::allocator<double>>>>, getfem::abstract_newton_line_search&) (@getfem::standard_solve(getfem::model&, gmm::iteration&, std::shared_ptr<getfem::abstract_linear_solver<gmm::col_matrix<gmm::rsvector<double>>, std::vector<double, std::allocator<double>>>>, getfem::abstract_newton_line_search&):454)
getfem::standard_solve(getfem::model&, gmm::iteration&) (@getfem::standard_solve(getfem::model&, gmm::iteration&):54)
main (\mnt\d\codes\CFD\getfem\test\myProject\cylinderFlow\Re50\unsteadyNavierStokes\mycode.cc:213)
___lldb_unnamed_symbol3278 (@___lldb_unnamed_symbol3278:29)
__libc_start_main (@__libc_start_main:44)
_start (@_start:15)
It seems that I need to modify the MUMPS solver parameters utilized by getfem::standard_solve
. I tried to set some parameters of gmm::mumps_interf<double>::MUMPS_STRUC_C id;
, but it didn’t work.
I used to solve a steady NS equation by using getfem and didn’t encounter this kind of error. Could anyone please tell me the reason and how to revise my codes?
Thanks a lot!